We are just days away from opening enrollment for the 2023 class of Moving into Mastery, and can already tell this is gonna be the best year yet.
But we’re still hearing from people, “What IS Mastery?”
If this is you, we can help.
Emily made a video last year that answers that very question. Not only does she dive into what to expect from the training and course material, but also WHY you’d want to enroll — especially right now.
Watch it below:
What that video doesn’t share is all the amazing upgrades we’re making to the course, including adding 6 new experts to our lineup of all stars! Here’s who’s joining us this year:
Allison Mulcahy, MD is double board-certified in Emergency Medicine and Integrative Medicine, with an extensive background in regenerative medicine, functional medicine, anti-aging medicine, wilderness medicine, genomics, and hormone therapy. She’s joining us in the Mastering Your Brain module where we’ll discuss the mind/body connection and how psychedelics play a role in healing.
Mark Hyman, MD is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, podcaster, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine — and a fifteen-time NYT bestselling author (NBD). Mark will be joining us for a LIVE call in October just for Mastery students where we’ll discuss longevity.
Dr. Elizabeth Letchford is a clinician, a researcher and an artist. Right? How many clinicians do you know who are also artists? She also has a background in sports medicine and a PhD in kinesiology and rehabilitation science. Dr. Liz is taking us to Body Church as we explore how trauma is stored in the body and master the legit skill of feeling our feelings.
Kate Northrup is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and is committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out. Kate is joining us for Mastering Your Money and is teaching a full lesson on money and emotions — and how managing one radically impacts the other.
Amanda Cassatt is the founder and CEO of Serotonin and is widely regarded as the unofficial CMO of Web3. Joining us for Mastering Your Money, this conversation is a fascinating exploration of bl0ckchain and how it returns economic power to creators.
Jere Simpson is a serial entrepreneur who rose from rags to riches in his teens after founding an early e-commerce company. Now, he’s building an AI based on indigenous wisdom, will be sharing how we can leverage this new technology to reach our fullest potential and train AI with the same values we would use to raise our own children.
The cart is officially open for everyone July 21-Aug 1. Click here to learn more about what to expect and join the waitlist!