Does this sound like you?
If so, you’re not alone

40.6 million Number of American adults who have trouble sleeping at night.
Stress affects your sleep. Lack of sleep affects your stress.

This course is for you if:
- Falling asleep or staying asleep is a challenge.
- You rarely feel rested after waking up.
- Insomnia and fatigue are affecting your performance.
- You’re desperate for a good night’s sleep.
Is Manifesting Sleep right for you?
The Teaching Video
Our best sleep tools from Ayurveda, the military, yoga nidra, integrative nutrition and traditional western sleep solutions.
Deep Sleep Download
We dare you to try to hear the end of this. This guided visualization uses tools from the military and yoga nidra to fall asleep faster and get deeper, more refreshing rest.
Manifesting Sleep Sheet
The cliff’s notes of our best hacks for falling and staying asleep.
The Sleep Chapter
From Emily’s bestselling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More.

Manifesting Sleep is the SINGLE greatest tool in my life right now. No exaggeration.
I’m sleeping deeply for the first time in my life. This is THE game-changer.
Devon harris
Parenting Consultant and Coach
Peek Inside Manifesting Sleep
Manifesting Sleep
Learn to fall and stay asleep.
- Teaching video to learn all about the neuroscience and psychology of sleep
- Deep Sleep Download guided visualization for deep, sustained sleep
- Manifesting Sleep Sheet that outlines our best hacks for falling and staying asleep
- Sleep chapter from Emily’s bestselling book