Does this sound like you?

If so, you’re not alone

40.6 million Number of American adults who have trouble sleeping at night.

Stress affects your sleep. Lack of sleep affects your stress.

Learn more

​This course is for you if:

  • Falling asleep or staying asleep is a challenge.
  • You rarely feel rested after waking up.
  • Insomnia and fatigue are affecting your performance.
  • You’re desperate for a good night’s sleep.

Is Manifesting Sleep right for you?


The Teaching Video

Our best sleep tools from Ayurveda, the military, yoga nidra, integrative nutrition and traditional western sleep solutions.


Deep Sleep Download

We dare you to try to hear the end of this. This guided visualization uses tools from the military and yoga nidra to fall asleep faster and get deeper, more refreshing rest.


Manifesting Sleep Sheet

The cliff’s notes of our best hacks for falling and staying asleep.


The Sleep Chapter

From Emily’s bestselling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More.

Manifesting Sleep is the SINGLE greatest tool in my life right now. No exaggeration.
I’m sleeping deeply for the first time in my life. This is THE game-changer.

Devon harris

Parenting Consultant and Coach

Peek Inside Manifesting Sleep

Manifesting Sleep

  • $47

    Learn to fall and stay asleep.

    • Teaching video to learn all about the neuroscience and psychology of sleep
    • Deep Sleep Download guided visualization for deep, sustained sleep
    • Manifesting Sleep Sheet that outlines our best hacks for falling and staying asleep
    • Sleep chapter from Emily’s bestselling book

  • zivaONLINE and Emily’s in depth knowledge have lead to my sticking with meditating regularly. I am experiencing noticeable changes in my sleep and overall feeling of well being.

    Joe D.

    College Professor

  • I’ve always been someone that requires 8 hours of sleep every night. After Ziva, I’m functioning wonderfully off 6.5 hours with NO caffeine. It’s the best thing ever.


    Opera Singer

  • After 20 years of debilitating middle-of-the-night insomnia, I slept through the night! My husband said, “You seem different.” I AM different.

    Jennifer R.

    Naturopathic Doctor

  • The Manifesting Sleep class worked like magic! I’m sleeping through the night and my husband’s snoring doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s working unbelievably well!

    Lily Rey

    Account Manager

  • For years I couldn’t sleep without medication or intoxication. Now I started sleeping like a baby after 2 days of Ziva.

    Grace T.


  • Manifesting Sleep helped cure my insomnia, reducing my anxiety and tremors. This freaking works!

    Abby B.

    Project Manager

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Mindy Wenkert
Worth it!

I'm sleeping so well after decades! Worth every penny.

Emma Bowen

When I listen to Manifesting Sleep I never get to the end. I get about 7 mins in and I’m already asleep!

Mark K
Manifesting Sleep

I did the Ziva manifesting sleep program last night. While i did not sleep the whole night, i was more relaxed and woke up at 4am (now) and feel pretty good. My doctor suggested i use my BiPap machine when I take a nap and i intend to do the sleep program when I want to take a nap. I have terrible sleep deprivation, but i am finding after doing the full 15 day zivaONLINE and the daily (pretty much) meditations that my energy level is higher, i feel better with more confidence and think that over time i will rid myself of the stress i have accumulated. Hats off to Emily. If you are a newbie at this, don’t give up, keep with it if stress reduction and peace of mind are your goals. This is the best meditation I have ever done.

Kim Bradford
My go to

Manifesting Sleep is my go to when I have trouble falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night. It works wonders and Emily's voice is so soothing and wonderful.

Jessica K.
Love it

I want to say how much I am enjoying the Manifesting Sleep course. I still don’t know what is at the end because I am deeply asleep long before the end of the recording!

Devon Harris

Manifesting Sleep is the SINGLE greatest tool in my life right now. No exaggeration... The perfect blend of information, instruction, and guidance. Emily's voice is so smooth that I can literally feel the plaque in my arteries softening. I am actually sleeping deeply for the first time in my entire life.

Coupling this with my twice-daily mediation has been the quantum leap I've been calling (okay crying) out for.

This is THE game-changer and I am so so so happy to be alive!

Courtney M.
It's working!

I work with many patients with chronic pain and l have been recommending your sleep course. The sleep is so healing.

Samantha D.
Game Changer

I can honestly say I’ve never slept better! Ziva is a game changer. I didn’t think I had sleep issues but purchased Manifesting Sleep anyways because I love all things Ziva.

Hey, fellow insomniacs

I want you to know about the Ziva Manifesting Sleep program. It includes a lot of good practice, but honestly the only part I have made use of is the Deep Sleep meditation audio, for the past four nights. It is amazing. I use it when I go to bed and again when I get up to go to the bathroom (normal at my age -- but now it's just once all night, for a change). I have not heard it all the way to the end yet, and I basically slept all night each time -- 4 nights in a row. That hasn't happened to me in years. Maybe this is my new normal? I am also doing the twice a day meditation for the past 10 months, and it has helped with sleep, but not like this. Sheer genius, Emily!

Lily Rey
Works like magic

The Manifesting Sleep class worked like magic! I’m sleeping through the night and my husband’s snoring doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s working unbelievably well!