Emily Fletcher on The Aubrey Marcus Podcast:

How You’re Masking Your Stress Symptoms

Emily discusses how zivaONLINE is like a hardware upgrade for the brain.

A few years ago, I was doing a podcast tour to get the word out about the release of my book Stress Less, Accomplish More when I was invited onto the Aubrey Marcus Podcast.

Aubrey and I had friends in common but had never met and I was floored to be a guest on a show so popular and influential.

In addition to being the host of one of the most popular podcasts available, he’s also a NYT bestselling author and entrepreneur. Now I’m lucky to say he’s also a dear friend and a Ziva Meditator.

That first time I was on his podcast, he suggested that a lot of people are masking signs of stress but aren’t quite healing it at the root level.

I couldn’t agree more. I often say that that zivaONLINE is like a hardware upgrade for the brain.

Things like therapy, self help books, coaching, advanced knowledge – these are software. They are helping you to operate in the world at a higher level.

But here’s the thing, if you don’t upgrade your hardware first, then no amount of software is going to work.

Imagine you tried to run the newest operating system on an old PC from 1995… It would be tragic. Your computer would probably start smoking from working so hard to understand this new language. Because when your body is riddled with stress, no amount of new, shiny software is going to work.

And yet that is how most people are trying to deal with their stress. They’re trying to think their way out of being stressed. Here’s a foundational truth:

We don’t act in accordance with what we know; we act in accordance with the baseline level of stress in our nervous systems.

Hopefully this is comforting news, because it means you’re not a failure for failing to implement the lessons you’ve learned from every self-help book you’ve ever bought. Meditation will allow you to start running all the fancy software (information) you’ve acquired by defragging your hard drive (aka your brain).

Want more of this? You can click here to watch the interview for yourself. It’s a goodie.

Aubrey says: “Ziva Meditation is one of the strongest modern meditation schools and has absolutely revolutionized my own meditation practice. Emily has done the work of healing herself and now holds the healing codes for the whole planet. I’ve almost never seen someone as embodied as she is.

Emily beautifully states that ‘thoughts aren’t the enemy of meditation, effort is.’ Her combination of mastery in both meditation and sacred sexuality is astounding.”

Since this podcast dropped, I’ve had so many people write in to say it inspired them to not only enroll in zivaONLINE, but to commit to a medi practice in a way they’ve never been able to before. And for me, the ability to inspire people to commit to a practice that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm is a win for the species.

If you’re looking for a way to get started with a practice that you love, zivaONLINE may be a fit for you. Check it out here.