Maybe you've dabbled in meditation before. Maybe you even have an app on your phone. So do 100 million other people, yet stress worldwide is through the roof. It's not working.

zivaOnline is not an app. It is an enlightening, entertaining, consciousness-expanding experience.

There are so many myths out there about meditation - maybe you're thinking:

  • I can’t clear my mind.

    Surprise — you don’t have to! The mind thinks involuntarily just like the heart beats involuntarily. There’s no clearing your mind with Ziva.

  • I’ve tried meditating before and hated it.

    There are many types of meditation out there — and The Ziva Technique is made for busy people with busy lives. Grads say it feels like a delicious nap sitting up.

  • I can’t sit still.

    You don’t have to sit in uncomfortable positions or use “fancy fingers.” Simply find a comfy spot; anywhere you can think a thought is a good place to practice.

  • It’s too hard to commit.

    No, what’s hard is constantly feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unhappy. Is a quick daily practice harder than going through life as stressed as you are now? Plus, our team is dedicated to supporting your long term success.

  • I don’t feel stressed.

    Stress isn’t just a feeling. Stress is something you store at a cellular level. If you’re living on Planet Earth, you have some level of stress stored in your nervous system – and it’s wreaking havoc on your body and mind.

  • I’m too busy.

    We make time for the things we find important. (And we didn’t want to have to do this, but… have you checked your Screen Time lately?) Plus, The Ziva Technique saves you time by making you more productive.

Invest just 2% of your day to radically improve the other 98%

  • It's fast and effective. A 15-minute sitting is the equivalent of a 90-minute nap.

  • No clearing your mind, struggling to "focus," or practicing frustrating breathing techniques.

  • It feels good. So much so that you'll look forward to your Ziva Sittings every day.


And the results are REAL. By reducing the stress in your body at the cellular level, The Ziva Techniques will give you

  • Deeper, more efficient sleep

  • Way more energy & productivity

  • Less stress, anxiety & overwhelm

  • Less stress, anxiety & overwhelm

  • Less stress, anxiety & overwhelm

  • Less stress, anxiety & overwhelm

  • Andrew Huberman

    Neuroscientist, Stanford University

    Emily is a deep scholar of meditation. She makes learning it incredibly playful, fun, and entertaining. Ziva is anything but boring, and it very well may change your life.

  • Mama Gena

    CEO of The School of Womanly Arts

    Emily is the real deal. She is heart, soul, beauty, connection, riveting intelligence, deep humanity – and hands down – the most inspiring, clear teacher of meditation that I have ever experienced.

  • Stacy London

    Fashion Expert, Author, Producer

    Ziva is totally different from any other kind of meditation I’ve tried. You can do it on the subway, in a car, alone, with people, with noise, with real-life happening around you.

  • Robin Roberts

    Host, Good Morning America

    I’ve found great benefits from Ziva. I am fascinated by how Emily explains the science of meditation and why we should do it. Who wouldn’t want to Stress Less and Accomplish More?


I've lived many lives in one body, starting with a decade on Broadway where the demands of performing led to stress and insomnia. Discovering meditation transformed my life, prompting me to leave Broadway and train as a teacher in India for three years.

Since then, I’ve taught over 50,000 people the Ziva Technique of mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting. I also wrote a book, had a baby, and host a podcast called "Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?"

For the past three years, I’ve been developing Sacred Secret, a movement blending ancient wisdom and modern science to help you achieve your desires using Embodied Manifesting tools and Pleasure Prayer.




Emily will teach you how to practice the ingenious technique she’s created that not only makes you feel great in the moment, but improves how you feel all day, every day.


How much more could you accomplish if you weren’t beholden to your stress every day? The Ziva Technique alleviates stress at a cellular level — goodbye anxiety, insomnia, digestion issues, premature aging and more.


Each one of us has a finite amount of time on this planet. The Ziva Technique gives your body deep, healing rest so you’re more clear, more present and more productive on the other side. This tool actually gives you more time back in your day.


Once you learn, your sleep becomes deeper and more efficient. It used to be that you had to travel to the Himalayas to learn this ancient technique. Now, Emily’s mission is to share it with you.


The world’s top performers — including Oprah — know that the key success is to invest in themselves. Every. Single. Day. Learn how to SHOW UP and be the best version of yourself.



Lifetime Access to this POWERFUL training in the Ziva Technique

For the 15 days of zivaONLINE, you'll get an email (before you even wake up!) leading you to the day's training video inside the private members only area.

During the course, you'll learn how to practice The 3 M's: Mindfulness, Meditation and Manifesting, plus the science and philosophy behind each. Once you learn The Ziva Technique, you'll never need another meditation training again This technique will change you body, mind and soul. Your brain will work better, your sleep will be deeper, your anxiety and stress will melt away. It's not magic, it's meditation.


  • Emily's favorite supplemental lessons, TED Talks and suggested viewing.
  • Three fabulous audio bonuses to solidify and illustrate the cosmic lessons inside the course.
  • The LOVE BOMB audio visualization for sending love to yourself, someone you love or the entire planet.
  • A fool proof cheat sheet and meditation calendar to keep you on track.
  • The zivaONLINE syllabus to follow along with so you never miss a lesson (or a bonus!).
  • A certificate of completion at graduation

($2,997 value)


Access to Emily, the Ziva Team and a Worldwide Network of Meditators Like You

As a zivaONLINE student, you'll get exclusive, lifetime access to our private online community. Our well-trained zivaTEAM (all longtime Ziva meditators), 12,000+ Ziva graduates and Emily are there to answer your questions and support you on your journey on the DAILY.

Questions? We've got answers. Challenges? We've got opportunities. Successes? We've got (virtual) champagne. Our team will be on your Ziva journey with you during the course, after you graduate, and there to support you for years after. Once you enroll, you're family for life.

Plus, we'll share videos, tips and even host livestreams to help you get the most out of your journey.

($1,947 value)


Four Life-changing Audio Visualizations

Because sometimes you need that little bit of extra support. With zivaONLINE, you also get four powerful audio exercises that you can download and keep with you for life. They're called zivaSLEEPS, zivaPERFORMANCE, zivaTRAVELS, and zivaRELEASE.

zivaSLEEPS is a great supplement for deep, restful sleep — it's so good, I dare you to hear the end of it (you won't, you'll be sleeping). zivaTRAVELS helps with jet lag, and gives you beautiful guidance so you show up to your destination refreshed and glowing. And zivaRELEASE is designed to help you through the emotional or physical detox that can happen as you begin to heal your nervous system at the root. And zivaPERFORMANCE you can use anytime you want to show up as the most amazing version of you like a date or interview.

($156 value)


Three Months of Custom Lessons and Follow Up

The fun, learning and support continue long after you graduate from zivaONLINE. After teaching more than 50,000 people the Ziva Technique, we've perfected the timing of curated advanced teachings sent straight to your inbox. If you believe that we meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation, then this advanced support in your inbox at the perfect time is invaluable. You'll get exclusive access to lessons like:

  • How to effectively process difficult emotions.
  • The 4 secrets to committing to healthy habits.
  • How to INVEST your time vs. SPEND your time (and how to know the difference).
  • Making Ziva work for you - no matter your schedule or stage of life.
  • Exclusive invites to live events with Emily.

($497 value)

Total zivaONLINE value: $5,597

Get Lifetime Access to Ziva Online Now

Now Choose The Option That's Right For You







Put zivaONLINE to the test! Try our program 100% risk free for 30 days from purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with zivaONLINE, simply send us a request for a refund of your course fee.*

*If you opt for a payment plan, the finance fee is non-refundable.


  • How does zivaONLINE work?

zivaONLINE is a 15-day online training made up of daily videos (and fun homework!) to teach you the 3 M’s of The Ziva Technique: mindfulness, meditation and manifesting.

You’ll get an email each day releasing that day’s video training. Each video builds upon the teachings of the previous day. At the end of 15 days, you’ll have all the tools you need to practice The Ziva Technique on your own for life.

  • How long do I have access to zivaONLINE?

zivaONLINE comes with Lifetime Access. Yep, that’s right. As long as this course exists, you will have access to it so you can do it on your own time, and revisit lessons as many times as you want or need.

And every time we add to the curriculum or build out new bonuses, you’ll get them as a lifetime Ziva student.

  • What’s the time commitment of the course? Can I take a break?

The zivaONLINE course is 15 days. Each day includes a 15-25 minute training video and homework and/or bonus content of varying lengths. The minimum time commitment you can plan for is 20 minutes in the a.m. And starting on Day 6 you’ll also have a 10-15 min afternoon homework session.

The course was designed very specifically to align with what your brain and body will be going through as you learn these new mental skills and experience profound stress release. So, it is NOT advised that you skip ahead. It is entirely possible to go at your own pace, take a day or so in between if you need to. If you need help navigating the schedule, the zivaONLINE Private Community is a great place to find answers and support.

  • What’s included in the zivaONLINE Private Community?

This is the place you can go to get DAILY access to me and the Ziva Guides who are highly trained Ziva meditators and experts in this technique — we will be there to answer your questions, celebrate your successes and help you navigate the practice every. single. day. We are in there every day cheering you on because our greatest passion is helping people transition from team stress to team bliss. And the best part is that your access to this support group does. not. expire.

  • Do you guarantee zivaONLINE will work for me?

Sign up. Do the program and listen to the audios. Come to the live coaching and global meditations. Explore the community. Really commit.

If you don’t get outstanding results within 30 days from when you sign up, simply request a refund and we will happily give you your money back.

If you’re skeptical, try this program anyway because you have 30 days to prove your skeptic mind wrong.

We’ve all spent our lives buried under stress, overwhelm and anxiety. Give yourself 30 days to experience an alternative and make the decision yourself.

  • Does it really work that well?

Yes. Emily has taught this technique to over 50,000 people. We have literally thousands of case studies and testimonials of people saying that zivaONLINE led them to less stress and anxiety, more energy and productive, deeper sleep, improved immune function, better focus and even better sex.

“The effects are so impressive, I would never have believed it was possible.” – Sarah“Ziva literally changed my life. My ability to live up to my potential is amazing. & my depression is nearly gone.” – Šárka“Since starting Ziva, my anxiety is non-existent most days. I haven’t had a panic attack in over a year. My sleep is much better…I truly have never felt better or happier.” – EricaThe truth is, stress is making your life so much more difficult than we even realize. It’s been our baseline for so long that we consider it NORMAL to feel exhausted, run down, unable to truly live the lives we want because we’re so busy catching up with our daily to-do list.

But there is another way. And it’s all right here.