Something BIG is coming.

Sign up below to be the first to know exactly how you can create the life of your wildest imagination.

The most ecstatic, joyful, magnetic version of you awaits…

Something BIG is coming.

Sign up below to be the first to know exactly how you can create the life of your wildest imagination.

The most ecstatic, joyful, magnetic version of you awaits…


Learn how you can architect your reality with a powerful Embodied Manifestation formula designed to get you clear on your dreams and alchemize your fear into fuel. + Receive a personalized podcast playlist to learn more about Embodied Manifestation.

Emily Fletcher invites you to a free, Sacred Secret event:


Live the hot, healthy, wealthy life you were meant for.

Dec 7 at 3p ET


Informed by ancient wisdom and modern science, Sacred Secret was designed to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools.

For centuries, there has been an active and sometimes violent campaign to divorce us from our own divinity. The good news is, there is a Great Remembrance happening now where people are re-discovering how powerful and sovereign they really are.

Get ready to see just how good life can get when we turn up the dial on our own divinity and remember who you really are.


Informed by ancient wisdom and modern science, Learn a formula designed to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools.

For centuries, there has been an active and sometimes violent campaign to divorce us from our own divinity. The good news is, there is a Great Remembrance happening now where people are re-discovering how powerful and sovereign they really are.

Get ready to see just how good life can get when we turn up the dial on our own divinity and remember who you really are.


Informed by ancient wisdom and modern science, Learn a formula designed to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools.

For centuries, there has been an active and sometimes violent campaign to divorce us from our own divinity. The good news is, there is a Great Remembrance happening now where people are re-discovering how powerful and sovereign they really are.

Get ready to see just how good life can get when we turn up the dial on our own divinity and remember who you really are.



Tap into the infinite possibilities available to you. Remember the future by connecting to the future version of you. Hold the vision of the dream you want for yourself and the species.


Discover the sacred power of feeling your feelings and marinate in your bliss on the other side. Alchemize your fears and limiting beliefs into dream fuel.


Learn how breathwork and pleasure can be used as an altered state of consciousness to rewire your beliefs about what you deserve. Allow yourself to feel deeper pleasure than you’ve ever allowed yourself to feel. Become an energetic match for your dream and listen to how Nature wants to use you. What you dream is dreaming you.



Tap into the infinite possibilities available to you. Remember the future by connecting to the future version of you. Hold the vision of the dream you want for yourself and the species.


Discover the sacred power of feeling your feelings and marinate in your bliss on the other side. Alchemize your fears and limiting beliefs into dream fuel.


Learn how breathwork and pleasure can be used as an altered state of consciousness to rewire your beliefs about what you deserve. Allow yourself to feel deeper pleasure than you’ve ever allowed yourself to feel. Become an energetic match for your dream and listen to how Nature wants to use you. What you dream is dreaming you.

Learn Sacred Secret from Home!

We don’t want things like travel, childcare and work to be a barrier to you discovering just how good life can get when you start practicing this formula.

That’s why we are now hosting Sacred Secret At-Home Retreats where you will learn these tools from the safety and privacy of your own home – no flights or hotel required.

Sign up for our next At-Home Retreat

Learn Sacred Secret in Costa Rica!

Apply early so you can be the first to enroll in our next in-person retreat.

Pour rocket fuel on your dreams at this intimate retreat where you will learn to access deeper levels of joy and pleasure than you thought possible. Learn the full Sacred Secret in one of the cleanest, healthiest, most stunning places on Earth.

Apply to join us at our next retreat

Learn Sacred Secret from Home!

We don’t want things like travel, childcare and work to be a barrier to you discovering just how good life can get when you start practicing this formula.

That’s why we are now hosting Sacred Secret At-Home Retreats where you will learn these tools from the safety and privacy of your own home – no flights or hotel required.

Sign up for our next At-Home Retreat
February 9-12

Learn Sacred Secret in Costa Rica!

Apply early so you can be the first to enroll in our next in-person retreat.

Pour rocket fuel on your dreams at this intimate retreat where you will learn to access deeper levels of joy and pleasure than you thought possible. Learn the full Sacred Secret in one of the cleanest, healthiest, most stunning places on Earth.

Apply to join us at our next retreat


You did not incarnate just to pay bills, pay taxes, run errands, feel guilty about not working out and feel guilty about not meditating enough.  You know that you are in this body at this moment in history for a reason.

Learn how you can feel more alive than ever before and step into your true divine, creative potential. Change the world by clarifying your purpose and alchemize the limiting beliefs standing in your way.


You did not incarnate just to pay bills, pay taxes, run errands, feel guilty about not working out and feel guilty about not meditating enough.  You know that you are in this body at this moment in history for a reason.

Learn how you can feel more alive than ever before and step into your true divine, creative potential. Change the world by clarifying your purpose and alchemize the limiting beliefs standing in your way.


The formula is created from ancient wisdom and modern science to help you turn up the dial on your divinity to create a life (and world) you love.

Discover how it feels to become truly sovereign, reclaiming your body, your pleasure and your bliss. Get ready to:

Feel more alive than you've ever felt
Get clear on your dreams and what's keeping you from them
Gain the resilience you need to feel the bigness of your own emotions
Alchemize your limiting beliefs into dream fuel
Feel the profundity of medicine work without the drugs.


The formula is created from ancient wisdom and modern science to help you turn up the dial on your divinity to create a life (and world) you love.

Discover how it feels to become truly sovereign, reclaiming your body, your pleasure and your bliss. Get ready to:

Feel more alive than you've ever felt
Get clear on your dreams and what's keeping you from them
Gain the resilience you need to feel the bigness of your own emotions
Alchemize your limiting beliefs into dream fuel
Feel the profundity of medicine work without the drugs.


Emily is the founder of Ziva and has taught more than 50,000 people the art of meditation and manifesting. Her best-selling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon. Her work has been featured by The New York Times, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC. She’s taught at Apple, Google and Harvard Business School.

A formerly over-stressed Broadway performer going gray at 27, Emily was desperate for a solution when she found meditation — which immediately cured her insomnia and anxiety. Her transformation was so dramatic that she quit acting, went to India, and studied the ancient tools and practices Ziva students swear by today.

Emily has spent the past three years creating a new formula informed by ancient wisdom and modern science to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools and Emotional Alchemy.

It’s Emily’s mission to help you get happy, healthy and hot.




“I am an orthopedic surgeon for the military and have trained as an MMA fighter. Of all the extreme things I’ve done in my career, this has been the most intense and the most rewarding of it all.”  - John

“I got a $100K grant for my company” - Alex

“I had my first orgasm of my entire life!” -Charlotte

“My company got recognized by the UN the day after the retreat” - Sveta 

"I am empowered to do anything I want with this life. I am living in integrity. These are not words I would have used to describe myself before Sacred Secret“ - Danny

“We ripped a hole in the fabric of the universe with our joy” - Rose

“This work is going to revolutionize my whole family” – Nora 


For hundreds of years, there has been a systematic campaign to divorce us from our own divinity. Because it’s hard to control people who know how creative and powerful they really are.

But if we’re going to actually change ourselves and the entire collective paradigm, we’re going to need everyone’s help pleasuring a new reality into existence…

It is your birthright to experience this cosmic remembrance of yourself, your bliss and your divine nature. At Sacred Secret Revealed, I will share the ancient secrets that will help us birth a more beautiful future.

So if you have been feeling the increasing darkness on the planet and are desperate for ways to bring more light, it's time to:

Receive the Codes

By the end of this event, you will be asking yourself, "How will I ever go back to normal life after knowing this?" Spoiler alert: you don't. The discovery of these tools and their history have completely changed the trajectory of my life, and they'll change yours too.

Remember Your Truth

You are divine simply because you exist. Get a taste of what is possible when you tune into the frequency of love. I will move you through an activation to cultivate your Creation Energy — the most powerful force you have available to you — to manifest a life and world you love.

Become a Living Manifestation

Learn to savor all 88 keys of human expression. Discover the sacred power of feeling your feelings and marinate in your bliss on the other side. Learn how to viscerally magnetize your dreams to you. What you dream is dreaming you.


If I tried to capture the profound healing and magic that is possible with Sacred Secret, you wouldn't believe me. That's why I created this free event - so you can get a taste of it yourself. Here's what to expect:

Learn a tool called Emotional Alchemy so you are equipped to handle the bigness of your emotions which is a super power. 
If the thought of using your pleasure to pray makes you feel nervous, I see you. You are not alone. We are swimming in sexual shame and conditioning. The beauty of this work is how SAFE you will feel to honor yourself. 
For the first time, I will disclose the formula that I've been refining for 3 years to create a life and world you love. At this event, you will experience viscerally what it means to visualize, alchemize & magnetize your dream reality.
Discover why there's been a systematic campaign for thousands of years to keep you divorced from your own divinity, and how to remember the way home to yourself. 
Receive a special invitation to experience this magical work from the privacy of your own home.


If I tried to capture the profound healing and magic that is possible with Sacred Secret, you wouldn't believe me. That's why I created this free event - so you can get a taste of it yourself. Here's what to expect:

Learn a tool called Emotional Alchemy so you are equipped to handle the bigness of your emotions which is a super power. 
If the thought of using your pleasure to pray makes you feel nervous, I see you. You are not alone. We are swimming in sexual shame and conditioning. The beauty of this work is how SAFE you will feel to honor yourself. 
For the first time, I will disclose the formula that I've been refining for 3 years to create a life and world you love. At this event, you will experience viscerally what it means to visualize, alchemize & magnetize your dream reality.
Discover why there's been a systematic campaign for thousands of years to keep you divorced from your own divinity, and how to remember the way home to yourself. 
Receive a special invitation to experience this magical work from the privacy of your own home.


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