Design Your Dream Year
Get instant access to a powerful manifesting experience to design the next 12 months of your life.
No more vague promises to “get healthier” or “start meditating." Emily will teach you how to make a real plan for how you can reach all your big dreams with ease and grace instead of hustle and grind.
With 13 years of studying, practicing and teaching these techniques, Emily has discovered the key to shedding the stress, anxiety & overwhelm that's been keeping you from a life you love.
How much more enjoyable would your life be if you weren’t beholden to your stress every day? What if you could take that energy and put it toward all the things you want to create in your life?
Do you feel like deep down you know you're meant for so much more but don't really know how to bring your dreams to fruition?Learn how to cultivate enthusiastic gratitude and infinite receiving.
It's never too late to design what you'll cultivate, call in and receive this year.Learn science-backed tools to manifest your big dreams for your personal, professional, physical and spiritual life.
When most people write out what their dream life looks like, they forget this ONE thing that makes all the difference. Emily will teach you what it is and walk you through it.
Your Unique Dream Roadmap
You'll get clear on exactly what you want to create in your personal, professional, physical and spiritual life, & prepare to receive your dreams.
Design Your Dream Workbook
A workbook designed for you to celebrate your successes, cement your intentions and make this the year you stop putting your happiness on hold.
The #1 Secret To Making Your Dreams Come True
Learn WHY you've not been able to commit to your resolutions in the past, and how you can guarantee success with your intentions.
Head of Functional Medicine at Cleveland Clinic and 15-time NYT Bestselling Author
“I am shocked by what Ziva has done for me. I am calmer, less anxious and have so much more energy now. After I meditate I feel refreshed like I’ve had a long nap.
For the few minutes I invest in Ziva, I get back three hours of productivity. I don’t have time not to meditate.”
Tony Award Winning Actress
"I had terrible stage fright before. After Ziva, everything shifted. I rarely have performance anxiety anymore. Even during performing live for millions of people, I wasn't nervous."
Former NBA Player
"Ziva was a huge part of my mental and spiritual training camp. I’m so much happier now than I used to be. Emily played a huge part in making that happen. It’s been awesome."
CEO, Parsley Health
"I prescribe Ziva to my patients to help them optimize their mental and physical health. It's the easiest to adopt into a busy life that I have ever found (and I’ve tried a lot)."
Emily is the founder of Ziva and has taught over 50,000 people the art of meditation and manifesting.
A formerly stressed Broadway performer going gray at 27, Emily was desperate for a solution when she found meditation -- which immediately cured her insomnia and anxiety. Her transformation was so dramatic that she quit acting, went to India, and studied the ancient tools Ziva students swear by today.
Emily has spent the past few years focusing her attention on helping people manifest their dreams using embodied manifesting tools to consciously create the lives of their dreams.
It’s Emily’s mission to help as many people live a life full of extraordinary purpose, abundance and joy.
A daily practice that removes the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that is keeping you from your greatness.
So if you don’t already have a stress-melting, nervous system regulating, bliss-inducing meditation practice, you need Ziva Online: my powerful training to reduce stress, overcome anxiety and improve sleep — in 15 days or less.
Maybe you've dabbled in meditation before. Maybe you even have an app on your phone. So do 100 million other people, yet stress worldwide is through the roof. It's not working.
Ziva Online is not an app. It is an enlightening, entertaining, consciousness-expanding experience.
How to Reach Your Dreams with Ease and Grace Instead of Hustle and Grind.