Our mission is to help people turn up the dial on their Divinity by alchemizing stress to joy using meditation, pleasure and medicine – all so we can solve the world’s most pressing challenges. And have a great time doing it.


We believe in having fun and playing big—doing the work we were put on this planet to do. Mastering meditation, but really… mastering life. 

We believe that meditation is not enough, and we’re all in on The Ziva Technique: mindfulness, meditation and manifesting.

We believe that practicing these 3 M’s makes us better partners, colleagues, friends and citizens. Our 50,000+ students agree.

We believe that if everyone meditated before they leave their house, the world would be a happier, healthier and more enjoyable place to live.

We believe in giving back. We’ve donated $1 million in training to healthcare workers on the front lines, $15K to The Loveland Foundation and we give 10% of our proceeds each year to environmental organizations we love.

We believe it’s time to get the whole dang world meditating. Join us.

  • 50,000

    Students enrolled

  • 60

    Minute masterclass

  • 3



After years of training in India and the US, and then teaching thousands of people how to meditate, Emily realized that meditation alone was not enough. In 2017, Emily developed The Ziva Technique — a powerful trifecta of the 3 Ms.

Mindfulness gets rid of your stress in the now. Meditation gets rid of your stress from the past — you know, the trauma that lodges itself in your cells and nervous system. And manifesting to help your dreams for the future.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The combination yields profound results, including less stress, deeper sleep, improved immune function, increased productivity and all-around extraordinary performance. It’ll feel like magic… but in fact it’s science.

When you remove stress at a cellular level, and give it the deep rest it needs, your body is able to heal itself. What’s revealed is the very best version of you.

Enroll in zivaONLINE


Sacred Secret is a new movement and formula informed by ancient wisdom and modern science to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools and Pleasure Prayer.

For centuries, there has been an active and sometimes violent campaign to divorce us from our own divinity. The good news is, there is a Great Remembrance happening now where people are discovering the truth that has been hiding in plain sight: that we are all God pretending to be human.

Get ready to rediscover just how good life can get when we turn up the dial on our own divinity and become the hottest, healthiest happiest version of you.

This is your chance to become truly free, fully sovereign, all by reclaiming your body, your bliss, your pleasure.

Learn the Sacred Secret


  • Caroline Ousley Naseman

    Operations Coordinator, Ziva Meditator since 2023

    Caroline leads the customer success team,
    answering questions and supporting students at every stage in their practice. She has lived and traveled around the world and loves connecting with our global Ziva community.

    When she’s not in the inbox: Caroline can be found making playlists for all occasions or baking chocolate chip cookies.

  • Desiree Zepeda

    VP of Finance & Operations, Ziva Meditator since 2021

    Desiree oversees accounting and operations functions, providing support through process improvements and implementation of best practices. With a constant desire to increase efficiency, she aims to empower those around her to challenge the status quo, and use spreadsheets!

    Her Happy Place: Anywhere near an ocean, the beach is always calling her name.

  • Ali Bartello

    Content & Marketing Manager, Ziva Meditator since 2018

    Ali oversees content strategy and brand vision across email, social, website and product, as well as Ziva’s promotional marketing initiatives. She loves to witness the transformation of Ziva students as they become their brightest selves.

    Favorite workouts: Crossfit and hot vinyasa yoga

  • Lisanne Abbes

    Head of Video, Ziva Meditator since 2021

    Ziva’s videos, from our courses to the podcast, is in Lisanne’s hands. She oversees overall video strategy and optimizes the use of video across marketing, sales and product –  everything we need to get Ziva’s message out in the world.

    On the weekend: she takes off to the mountains, to enjoy the woods with her four-legged bestie Khaya.

  • Emily Mitchell

    Social Media & Content Manager, Ziva Meditator since 2022

    Emily manages Ziva’s social media accounts, creating content that is passionate and motivating so more people can find and love Ziva. She loves to dream up ideas that inspire everyone and anyone to connect.

    When she’s with her friends: She’s a karaoke queen.

  • Svetlana Margoulis

    Web Developer, Ziva Meditator since 2019

    Svetlana manages all of the technical aspect of Ziva, especially making our website look great and run smoothly. Originally from Ukraine, Svetlana received her Computer Engineering degree in Israel where she moved at age 16 by herself. In addition to speaking Java and PHP, she is fluent in Russian and Hebrew.

    On the weekends: Svetlana teaches Math in after school programs in NYC.

  • Sindi Nune

    Customer Success Team, Ziva Meditator since 2023

    Sindi loves helping the zivaCOMMUNITY learn about meditation, and how to use their practice to get better at life. She has tried many different styles of meditation and has found that Ziva has the perfect formula for bliss.

    Favorite travel destination: South of France