Are you ready to be hit with a truth bomb?
Relationships exist to teach you your lessons.
They’re not here to fill you up. They’re not meant to make you whole. They’re not supposed to complete you.
Your relationships are here to teach you what you need to learn. And this is amazing… because if you learn your lessons you get to evolve and uplevel with your loved ones, or you get to move on to a better relationship and learn a better lesson.
But what if you don’t learn your lessons in that relationship?
Well, Emily will tell you in this video. And trust us when we say that the concepts she shares in this video have the chance to improve every relationship in your life, romantic or not.
This is from Mastering your Relationships, one of the modules inside Moving into Mastery.
We hear from a lot of grads that it’s one of their favorites because it’s designed to help you examine your relationship with yourself so you can break inherited patterns that are keeping you stuck in resentment. Plus, we brought in Handel coach Lauren Zander who gives a masterclass in how to cultivate healthy, loving relationships with friends, family and significant others, while staying in integrity with yourself.
Sound fascinating? It is. And really good news…
We’re just about a week away from opening enrollment for Moving into Mastery. This is a very special year because it’s the last time we are offering the course in this way, so you don’t want to miss this opportunity to master the 8 most important areas of your life.
We are also making it more accessible than ever before because we know people need to reconnect to this ancient philosophy to serve as a grounding anchor in a world that is speeding up quickly.
Click here to join the waitlist.