My Fave Podcast
Hands down, this is my favorite podcast. I have listened to every episode and learn so much from how Emily and her guests are living their most audacious lives. Each episode leaves me feeling inspired to live my biggest life.
Pure Genius
Level up your life and lift up your spirit with the brilliant Emily Fletcher. Deep wisdom, fully belly laughs, bolt of lightning insights, and true soul sharing. This podcast will take you on a ride that will open your mind and crack open your heart.
Life Changing Content
Emily goes full out, never holding anything back. She shares such great information to help you be a better human, feel more bliss and happiness as well as handle more demands without snapping. This is content everyone can use!!
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Have you noticed that the things that bring us closer to our own divinity –get banned, shamed, and hidden away?
We find out in “Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?”
Tune in each week to hear Emily in conversation with experts, scientists doctors, and high priestesses to fling the doors open to the most potent, the most mysterious and even the most taboo medicines on the planet.
Each of these guests have had their own “Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?” moment, and they’re here to shed an unprecedented light on healing modalities of all kinds – spiritual, physical, emotional, you name it. Topics from BDSM to breathwork… nothing is off limits.
Why? Because every single one of us deserves the bliss that is our birthright. By reclaiming these tools as the divine, spine-tingling, nourishing medicines they are, you can become your highest, most aligned self.
While filming season 1 of our podcast “Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?” we were blown away by the generosity of our guests — their time, their energy, their knowledge of potent healing modalities. What we couldn’t fit inside the podcast, we curated for you in the playlist below.
Start your Ziva Adventure
Free Masterclass
JOIN FOR FREEFree Masterclass from Emily Fletcher, Creator of The Ziva Technique, Who’s Taught at Apple, Google and Harvard.
Reduce Stress, Overcome Anxiety, and improve sleep in 15 Days (or Less)
SAVE YOUR SPOTCome as you are, leave as the most blissed-out version of you & join a global community doing the same.
Our next Virtual Bliss Activation: Oct 22 at 3p ET -
TAKE THE QUIZTired of feeling overburdened, overworked and overwhelmed? Your Bliss Blueprint explains why you may be stuck and how to fix it.
Unlock Your Magic
CLAIM YOUR MAGICMagnetize the life of your wildest imagination with our new Embodied Manifesting course launching this Oct!