What if God is a Disco Ball? Question for you: what do you think God has in common with a disco ball? At Ziva, we think quite a lot. If you feel a bit triggered by the...
Is Stress Keeping You From Your Dreams? You’re here for a reason. You know this. There’s a reason why you were born into this body at this particular time in history. What’s your reason? Sometimes it’s hard to hear the answer...
5 Shocking Meditation Benefits You Never Knew By now you know this meditation thing has some benefits. After all, why would some of the busiest people on the planet (i.e. Oprah) commit to a practice if it...
Watch This Before Your Next Big Presentation or Event Do you get nervous before a big presentation or speaking event? If so, I have something that can help. Let me start with a story. Way back when I was...
Are You a Seagull or a Pelican? Are you a seagull? Or are you a pelican? A question I’m sure you’ve never been asked. Once I was away on vacation on a remote island in Venezuela. I...
Are Your Words Casting a Spell? There’s a beautiful line from the Vedas that goes like this: “The rishi speaks, and then it becomes so.” So what’s a rishi? Rishi is a Sanskrit word that means...
Meet the Experts of Moving into Mastery Often when people begin a meditation practice and start expanding their consciousness, they start to wonder, “what’s next?” Emily had these same questions. It’s what caused her to begin her...
An Exercise for Anxiety and Overwhelm Even with all the meditation in the land, the news these days can be a lot of a lot. Climate change, the ever-changing pandemic status, school closures…if you don’t have...
The Real Reason You Ask for Everyone’s Opinion How often do you ask yourself YOUR opinion on a topic? Real talk: often when we have a big decision to make, we ask our friends, and our colleagues, and...
50 Shades of…Meditation? When people first start a practice like what we teach at Ziva, they’re often psyched by how deep their meditations feel. Then as they start to get some medi experience...
A Grounding Exercise for Fall Now that fall has officially arrived in the northern hemisphere, it’s a beautiful time to invite in some grounding practices. Taking a walk in nature, starting to add some warming...
How You Do *Anything* is How You Do *Everything* We have all done it. Thrown a piece of trash on the ground. Told a tiny white lie. Said we were going to call and didn’t. It doesn’t seem like...