Use the most creative force in the cosmos to fuel your big dream…

Remember how divine you really are…

Harness your sexual energy to manifest your dreams…

Amplify your dreams with the power of a Sacred Council…


Sacred Council

Dream bigger, create faster, and feel better
than your current paradigm will allow. 

April 2024 – Sept 2024


Sacred Council

Dream bigger, create faster, and feel better than your current paradigm will allow. 

April 2024 – Sept 2024

Imagine having a true Sacred Council:

A circle of friends to take with your for life.
A Council of people uniquely talented, that believe in their own liberation and are committed to designing a reality that they desire not only for themselves, but for the species.

Yes, we are creating a sacred council on the earthly plane.

Imagine a sacred container that holds only the highest vision of you and tolerates only the highest version of you.

That will hold your dreams more sacred than you will hold them yourself.

A council of people who believe in magic and are who are committed to evidencing it in their lives and on the planet.

Imagine getting to deepen your relationship with the Divine by studying and devoting your practices to different incarnations and Goddesses.

Imagine how you would feel at the end of six months having manifested far beyond your wildest imagination in the area of money, sexuality, relationships, purpose, inner child, divine masculine.

Imagine having a council of queens that become lifelong friends.

Imagine the years of therapy and self doubt and questioning that you would save yourself if you really commit to your dreams…

If you put your money where your mouth is, and you sign up to prove to yourself and to the planet that magic is real.

Are you ready to learn how to use the most creative force in the cosmos to fuel your big dreams?

Imagine having a true Sacred Council:

A circle of friends to take with your for life.
A Council of people uniquely talented, that believe in their own liberation and are committed to designing a reality that they desire not only for themselves, but for the species.

Yes, we are creating a sacred council on the earthly plane.

Imagine a sacred container that holds only the highest vision of you and tolerates only the highest version of you.

That will hold your dreams more sacred than you will hold them yourself.

A council of people who believe in magic and are who are committed to evidencing it in their lives and on the planet.

Imagine getting to deepen your relationship with the Divine by studying and devoting your practices to different incarnations and Goddesses.

Imagine how you would feel at the end of six months having manifested far beyond your wildest imagination in the area of money, sexuality, relationships, purpose, inner child, divine masculine.

Imagine having a council of queens that become lifelong friends.

Imagine the years of therapy and self doubt and questioning that you would save yourself if you really commit to your dreams…

If you put your money where your mouth is, and you sign up to prove to yourself and to the planet that magic is real.

Are you ready to learn how to use the most creative force in the cosmos to fuel your big dreams?

I’m Emily Fletcher & I Believe:

Creating a sacred counsel of divine beings will help us reach our goals exponentially faster
The speed with which we must build a new earth demands non-linear strategies
Your dream will shape you into the person required to execute on it
Healing doesn’t have to be hard, or take a long time. It can be fast and extraordinarily pleasurable
It’s time for us to wake up from all the ways we’ve been conditioned to stay small, divorced from our own divinity
It’s possible to visualize, alchemize and magnetize a life (and world) you’d be proud to hand to the next generation
Allowing yourself to feel the depth of your rage and the sacredness of your sorrow will make space for extraordinary bliss, pleasure and ecstasy
The better you feel, the higher quality things you magnetize 

I want to help you get crystal clear on your magic wand scenario for the planet.

And more importantly your role in
birthing that dream into reality.

I’m Emily Fletcher & I Believe:

Creating a sacred counsel of divine beings will help us reach our goals exponentially faster
The speed with which we must build a new earth demands non-linear strategies
Your dream will shape you into the person required to execute on it
Healing doesn’t have to be hard, or take a long time. It can be fast and extraordinarily pleasurable
It’s time for us to wake up from all the ways we’ve been conditioned to stay small, divorced from our own divinity
It’s possible to visualize, alchemize and magnetize a life (and world) you’d be proud to hand to the next generation
Allowing yourself to feel the depth of your rage and the sacredness of your sorrow will make space for extraordinary bliss, pleasure and ecstasy
The better you feel, the higher quality things you magnetize 

I want to help you get crystal clear on your magic wand scenario for the planet.

And more importantly your role in birthing that dream into reality.

How Sacred Council Works

I am hand-selecting some of my favorite, most talented, most high-impact humans to join me for a 6 month adventure in harnessing our sexual energy to manifest.

Sacred Council is a mix of spiritual and real life mentoring, and will transform 6 key areas of your life as we look at the wheel of your life.

Each month, we will play a new manifesting game using powerful embodiment tools like breath work, pleasure prayer and “day dreaming.”

We will open our six month mastermind container with an in-person five day retreat from April 24-28 in Costa Rica.

This is where we will meet, inevitably fall in love with each other, create group coherence and learn the embodied manifesting tools we will practice over our six months together.

Get ready for five days of profound transformation, trauma integration, enhanced pleasure and clarity on your big dream for the species. 

In addition to our initiation retreat, we will do one more medicine ceremony weekend near New York City where we offer ourselves to our dreams and release anything that is no longer serving us.

Plus, we will bring on guest teachers to help you learn energy orgasm, goddess gushing, cultivating more abundance and how to heal your inner child and father wounds.

Once approved for the mastermind, you will do an opening exercise to help highlight your strengths, weaknesses, and unique gifts so that the Sacred Council and I can help to hold you to your dreams and doula you into this new version of you.

We will hold each other’s prayers and by the end of this six months you will have changed your relationship with manifestation itself

How Sacred Council Works

I am hand-selecting some of my favorite, most talented, most high-impact humans to join me for a 6 month adventure in harnessing our sexual energy to manifest.

Sacred Council is a mix of spiritual and real life mentoring, and will transform 6 key areas of your life as we look at the wheel of your life.

Each month, we will play a new manifesting game using powerful embodiment tools like breath work, pleasure prayer and “day dreaming.”

We will open our six month mastermind container with an in-person five day retreat from April 24-28 in Costa Rica.

This is where we will meet, inevitably fall in love with each other, create group coherence and learn the embodied manifesting tools we will practice over our six months together.

Get ready for five days of profound transformation, trauma integration, enhanced pleasure and clarity on your big dream for the species. 

In addition to our initiation retreat, we will do one more medicine ceremony weekend near New York City where we offer ourselves to our dreams and release anything that is no longer serving us.

Plus, we will bring on guest teachers to help you learn energy orgasm, goddess gushing, cultivating more abundance and how to heal your inner child and father wounds.

Once approved for the mastermind, you will do an opening exercise to help highlight your strengths, weaknesses, and unique gifts so that the Sacred Council and I can help to hold you to your dreams and doula you into this new version of you.

We will hold each other’s prayers and by the end of this six months you will have changed your relationship with manifestation itself

Costa Rica, Apr 24-28

At our opening retreat, you will learn the full Sacred Secret which is the foundation of what we will do together over our 6 month adventure

Expect to walk away with the profound understanding of the universe of possibility and ecstasy that lives inside you. Reconnect with your own divinity and learn the most advanced manifesting practices I have ever come across, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Rewrite your relationship with shame and sexuality and learn how powerful manifesting can be in a post-climactic state (including the science and spirituality behind why orgasmic states are so effective for manifesting).

In this intimate container, myself and our wildly talented staff of space-holders will customize this experience for each and every person.

Attendance at this retreat is mandatory to be in Sacred Council.

Why It Works

It’s true. Stress makes you stupid sick and slow. You know that. But when the dream is big and important then it is easy to start worrying and call that “responsible.” Worry can masquerade as love or devotion. This mastermind is going to remind you just how much magic you can create when you transmute worry into wonder.

It sounds woo woo. It’s not.

Your brain has a filter. It’s called your RAS (Reticular Activating System) and if left to its own devices, it will filter in any potentially life threatening circumstances. i.e. worry. However when you learn to program it, it can act like a full blown magnet for your dreams. 

Programming your brain to look for opportunities is only part of the magic.

Did you know you are 95% more likely to succeed at something if you have an accountability buddy and a time to check in?

Each month you are going to be paired with a new dream teammate to “compete” for which team can make the most magic in that month’s area. 

Feel Good. Place the Order.

How much time and energy are you spending worshiping your worries? For most people it is staggering: hours a day, every day. 

What happens when you spend even a fraction of that lifeforce practicing pleasure and believing a more beautiful world is possible? (Hint: It looks and feels like magic… and it will save you so much time.)

Our energy leaks when we expect something bad to happen. Hedging against something bad happening is energy we could be pouring into the magic wand scenario. 

Monthly Manifesting Games

Each month you will deepen you relationship with the Divine by studying and devoting ritual practice to different incarnations and Goddesses. Each game will serve a different area in your wheel of life.

Month 1: Abundance

Represented by Lakshmi

Money is energy. It wants to flow. This game will help you uncover any old limiting beliefs you have around receiving it and putting it to the greatest use for you and the species. How can you enhance your relationship to career, abundance and business?

Month 2: Sacred Sexuality

Represented by Isis

Deepen your Desire and download new codes to amplify your Pleasure Prayer practice. How can you redefine your relationship to pleasure and Creation Energy, i.e. the most powerful force on Earth?

Month 3: Inner Child

Represented by Little You

Meet your little self and give her the compassion and love you always needed. How can you reparent yourself and rewrite any of the programming that was installed that no longer serves you?

Month 4: Relationships

Represented by Mary Magdalene

Attract and deepen connection with the allies and lovers that will support you and your mission. How can you supercharge your relationships and call in epic love, sex and companionship?


Month 5: Divine Masculine

Represented by ?

Rewrite your story with the divine masculine and learn how to love the parts of you that may have felt unsafe in the past. How can you hold the divine masculine inside the feminine?

Month 6: Releasing

Represented by Kali

What is standing in the way of you and your dreams? What must be destroyed in order for you to truly create what you were put on Planet Earth to create?

Monthly Manifesting Games

Each month you will deepen you relationship with the Divine by studying and devoting ritual practice to different incarnations and Goddesses. Each game will serve a different area in your wheel of life.

Month 1: Abundance

Represented by Lakshmi

Money is energy. It wants to flow. This game will help you uncover any old limiting beliefs you have around receiving it and putting it to the greatest use for you and the species. How can you enhance your relationship to career, abundance and business?

Month 2: Sacred Sexuality

Represented by Isis

Deepen your Desire and download new codes to amplify your Pleasure Prayer practice. How can you redefine your relationship to pleasure and Creation Energy, i.e. the most powerful force on Earth?

Month 3: Inner Child

Represented by Little You

Meet your little self and give her the compassion and love you always needed. How can you reparent yourself and rewrite any of the programming that was installed that no longer serves you?

Month 4: Relationships

Represented by Mary Magdalene

Attract and deepen connection with the allies and lovers that will support you and your mission. How can you supercharge your relationships and call in epic love, sex and companionship?

Month 5: Divine Masculine

Represented by ?

Rewrite your story with the divine masculine and learn how to love the parts of you that may have felt unsafe in the past. How can you hold the divine masculine inside the feminine?

Month 6: Releasing

Represented by Kali

What is standing in the way of you and your dreams? What must be destroyed in order for you to truly create what you were put on Planet Earth to create?

What is the Time Commitment?

I will send your manifesting game for each month’s area, along with your partner assignment. You and your partner will meet 1x to design your custom daily ritual for the month. The ritual is simply a way of designing and reporting on the magic of your day.

The daily commitment will only be about 5 minutes in the AM and 5 minutes the PM for your “daydream,” but this daily habit is instrumental in rewiring your conditioning from worry to wonder. This is what will literally change your brain in ways that allow you to see your potential, make new connections and remember every single day that you are in fact co-creating your reality with Nature. 

We will meet 2x a month as a group on Zoom. 

1 session will be for witnessing each other’s magic, hot seat coaching on the blocks that come up and amplifying each other’s mission with our expertise and collective networks. 

1 session will be for sacred practice. We will come together to do live embodied manifesting practice. This will rotate between pleasure prayer, emotional interval training and breathwork. We will also have some surprise guest experts!  

And if manifesting your wildest dream isn’t enough of a win, the person with the most magic at the end of the 6 months will win a full scholarship to the next mastermind!

What is the Time Commitment?

I will send your manifesting game for each month’s area, along with your partner assignment. You and your partner will meet 1x to design your custom daily ritual for the month. The ritual is simply a way of designing and reporting on the magic of your day.

The daily commitment will only be about 5 minutes in the AM and 5 minutes the PM for your “daydream,” but this daily habit is instrumental in rewiring your conditioning from worry to wonder. This is what will literally change your brain in ways that allow you to see your potential, make new connections and remember every single day that you are in fact co-creating your reality with Nature. 

We will meet 2x a month as a group on Zoom. 

1 session will be for witnessing each other’s magic, hot seat coaching on the blocks that come up and amplifying each other’s mission with our expertise and collective networks. 

1 session will be for sacred practice. We will come together to do live embodied manifesting practice. This will rotate between pleasure prayer, emotional interval training and breathwork. We will also have some surprise guest experts!  

And if manifesting your wildest dream isn’t enough of a win, the person with the most magic at the end of the 6 months will win a full scholarship to the next mastermind!


You’re excited by the unique opportunity to blend practical life coaching and embodied manifesting to magnetize your big goals.
You are looking for an opportunity to lean all the way into making ceremony and ritual an integral part of your life
You want accountability and support from a small group of amazing women who have big dreams just like you and can become co-conspirators for each others’ success.
You are open to and intrigued by sacred sexuality practices
You are thrilled by the opportunity to go on a life-changing retreat where you will uncover old conditioning, release trauma stuck in your body and build the charge of your dreams.
You are ready to unlearn your limiting beliefs around your money, career and relationships and move into a state of infinite receiving.
You’re stoked for behind the scenes knowledge of how I run a 7-figure business and the chance to learn more about writing a bestselling book, keynote speaking, product development, content creation, digital marketing and conscious entrepreneurship.


You’re excited by the unique opportunity to blend practical life coaching and embodied manifesting to magnetize your big goals.
You are looking for an opportunity to lean all the way into making ceremony and ritual an integral part of your life
You want accountability and support from a small group of amazing women who have big dreams just like you and can become co-conspirators for each others’ success.
You are open to and intrigued by sacred sexuality practices
You are thrilled by the opportunity to go on a life-changing retreat where you will uncover old conditioning, release trauma stuck in your body and build the charge of your dreams.
You are ready to unlearn your limiting beliefs around your money, career and relationships and move into a state of infinite receiving.
You’re stoked for behind the scenes knowledge of how I run a 7-figure business and the chance to learn more about writing a bestselling book, keynote speaking, product development, content creation, digital marketing and conscious entrepreneurship.

Apply to Join the
Sacred Secret Council

“This mastermind is the biggest investment I have ever made in myself and I can honestly say that it is a bargain for the PhD in life that I am getting through this program.

It started with the amazing humans I have met and have now become part of my lifelong community. Souls who connected within hours of meeting at the retreat in Costa Rica. The most generous group of humans who share their gifts freely and constantly lift each other up. The kind of humans who push you to be a better version of yourself.

Of course there is also Emily herself, bringing her wisdom and sharing all the tools in her toolbox as she guides us, teaching us techniques and rituals to help us uplevel. I even manifested my dream company reaching out to me with a job opportunity!

I am empowered to do anything I want with this life. I am authentic. I am living in integrity. These are not words I would have used to describe myself even 6 months ago.”


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