One More Thing Before You Go…

This is the ONLY time (ever!) you’re going to see this page. So make sure to read every word and watch the video. It’s really that important…

Supercharge your zivaONLINE results with…


No more wishy-washy goals and resolutions that keep you stuck in the status quo…It’s time to get clear on your most brilliant dreams for the future — and watch one-by-one as they come true. Say goodbye to hustle and grind and hello to infinite receiving.
In this powerful, step-by-step training, I’ll show you exactly how.

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How to Effortlessly Cultivate Abundance, Purpose and Joy

Congratulations on enrolling in zivaONLINE! You are so smart for saying yes…

I know you are going to love it.

Once you unlock the physical and spiritual benefits of a daily Ziva Technique practice, you’ll be asking yourself if life could possibly get any better.

The really good news? This is only the tip of the iceberg.

When you meditate, you’re getting rid of all the stress from your past that has buried itself in your cells and your nervous system. And when you have less stress in your body, the more you believe you deserve your desires.

That’s why I created “Dream Magnet: How to Effortlessly Cultivate A Life of Abundance, Purpose and Joy”

This powerful companion program will SUPERCHARGE your results from zivaONLINE by giving you my proven system — steeped in both science AND spirit — to magnetize your dreams to you.

Just IMAGINE what it would feel like to know clearly and confidently what you want for your home, your body, your relationships, your bank account, you career…and then watching them all come true.

In Dream Magnet, you’ll unlock my proven magical manifesting system to put you on the path to consciously create a life you love.


How to Effortlessly Cultivate a Life of Abundance, Purpose and Joy

Over $750 in Value
Yours Today for Just $149

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No, thanks. I don’t want to consciously create a life I love and get this incredible training at this one-time price.
I understand this offer will not be available to me again. I decline this offer.

Congratulations on enrolling in zivaONLINE! You are so smart for saying yes…

I know you are going to love it.

Once you unlock the physical and spiritual benefits of a daily Ziva Technique practice, you’ll be asking yourself if life could possibly get any better.

The really good news? This is only the tip of the iceberg.

When you meditate, you’re getting rid of all the stress from your past that has buried itself in your cells and your nervous system. And when you have less stress in your body, the more you believe you deserve your desires.

That’s why I created “Dream Magnet: How to Effortlessly Cultivate A Life of Abundance, Purpose and Joy”

This powerful companion program will SUPERCHARGE your results from zivaONLINE by giving you my proven system — steeped in both science AND spirit — to magnetize your dreams to you.

Just IMAGINE what it would feel like to know clearly and confidently what you want for your home, your body, your relationships, your bank account, you career…and then watching them all come true.

In Dream Magnet, you’ll unlock my proven magical manifesting system to put you on the path to consciously create a life you love.

What you’ll get with Dream Magnet

Dream Magnet Masterclass

$349 Value

Unlock a new understanding of the most advanced portion of the Ziva Technique: Manifesting. Stop feeling like a manifesting failure and start remembering how to dream into what you truly want to create in this one precious life.

Dream Magnet Workbook + Recipe

$197 Value

Take an honest look at your limiting beliefs. Heal them, love them, thank them for what they’ve taught you…and then release them so you can step into your greatness. Plus, get a copy of the proven Ziva manifesting recipe.

Dream Magnet Manifesting Audio

$107 Value

Listen to Emily as she guides you through a powerful manifesting exercise to cultivate a life and world you love. Use it as often as you like… and prepare for magic to unfold all around you.

Curated Manifesting Resource List

$97 Value

Take your learning to the next level. Enjoy these continuing education tools that Emily has used for years in her own Manifesting practice to strengthen your magnetic field.

What you’ll learn in Dream Magnet

Become a Master Manifestor and discover:

Part 1

Why Meditation and Manifesting are more powerful together

What Manifesting is (and what it is not)

The science behind why Manifesting works

Use the tools appropriate for where you are on your journey

Part 2

Ziva’s proven 5-step recipe for Manifesting

Why it’s essential to prioritize the What & Why over the How & When

Part 3

How to avoid the most common Manifesting pitfalls

How to make the most of your curated Reading & Listening List

The importance of purging old stories and limiting beliefs

Become a Master Manifestor

Dream Magnet is a 3-part masterclass where you will learn:

Part 1

Why Meditation & Manifesting are more powerful together

What Manifesting is (and what it is not)

The science behind why Manifesting works

Use the tools appropriate for where you are on your journey

Part 2

Ziva’s proven 5-step recipe for Manifesting

Why it’s essential to prioritize the What & Why over the How & When

Part 3

How to avoid the most common Manifesting pitfalls

How to make the most of your curated Reading & Listening List

The importance of purging old stories and limiting beliefs

What would you LOVE right now?

This question is SO simple, but most of us find it extremely difficult to answer. And yet, you getting clear on exactly what you want is the key to living the life of your wildest dreams.

In Dream Magnet, we’ll tackle this head-on. Because when you start to uncover your “magic wand scenario” — not just for you, but for also the planet — you will begin to transform into the version of yourself that is capable of bringing that dream to fruition.

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’ll get inside


How to Effortlessly Cultivate a Life of Abundance, Purpose and Joy

Lifetime Access to $750 in Value

Retails for $250
Your price today only: $149

  • The Dream Magnet masterclass to learn the Ziva manifesting recipe, the neuroscience of manifesting and proven strategies for how to magnetize your dreams to you $349 Value – INCLUDED
  • The Dream Magnet workbook to guide you as you do the deep work of asking yourself what you want your life to look like, and our Manifesting Recipe for your best success of making it happen$197 Value – INCLUDED
  • A powerful downloadable manifesting audio to help you cultivate a life and world you love$107 Value – INCLUDED
  • Curated resource list to serve as continuing education as you strengthen your practice$97 – INCLUDED
  • Crystal clarity on your dreams and the ability to effortlessly draw them to you, creating abundance, purpose and joy throughout your life – PRICELESS
YES! Upgrade My Order Now

You Get Dream Magnet For Life!

Manifesting your desires and magnetizing your dreams is a lifelong journey that gets better with age…which is why you have access to Dream Magnet for life. So you can come back and re-use the course and resources as many times as you like.

Our Proven Dream Magnet System Has Helped THOUSANDS of People
Like You Effortlessly Cultivate Lives of Abundance, Purpose and Joy

My dreams are already here! I’m really changing my relationship with money and already attracting more clients. I loved learning the science and the practical, educational aspects to Manifesting.

Rachel R.

Since joining Ziva, I have manifested new friendships and finally can focus on what I would LOVE right now. In Dream Magnet I learned that Manifesting is all about feeling good and placing the order!

Lesley S.

Dream Magnet showed me how to stay open to all possibilities without holding onto the dream too tightly. Now I am more committed to manifesting and I was able to create a long list of my dreams with ease. In the past, I would have definitely have said that I didn’t know what to manifest.

Stephanie B.

I see the power of manifesting more in my day to day life. It’s not always one big thing but a series of magic moments that I can now recognize: a parking space, a place to stay on vacation, needing to give something away and someone who wants it appearing almost magically.

Carol V.

Dream Magnet taught me to be respectful of my dream and give it high quality, pleasurable attention. Also, if my dream doesn’t involve collaboration, dream a bit bigger.

When The Secret came out, I thought it was all centered, greedy BS and that only naive, self-absorbed people would go for that kind of thing. It now makes total sense to me, creating along with Nature (who is also me) seems so obvious to me — and how could I not simply trust?

Christine M.

I was stressed about a recent mammogram and manifested receiving an email that everything was okay. The outcome was exactly what I manifested!

My favorite part of Dream Magnet was Emily’s magnetic personality and enthusiasm. She gives me so much energy and makes me realize I can do this, it’s seems much simpler than I originally thought.

Michelle P.

7-day money-back guarantee

Use our program 100% risk-free for 7 days from purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with Dream Magnet, simply send us a request for a refund of your course fee.

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