Pour rocket fuel on your dreams.

Costa Rica
April 24-28, 2024


Pour rocket fuel on your dreams.

Costa Rica
April 24-28, 2024


Join me for an intimate retreat where you will learn to access deeper levels of joy and pleasure than you thought possible.

At the retreat, you’ll learn the full Sacred Secret formula and experience the profound healing power of meditation, ecstatic dance, breath work, pleasure prayer, sound healing, and collective manifestation.

Come together with an intimate, trusted group in Costa Rica, one of the cleanest, healthiest, most stunning places on Earth. You will learn how to assess your Creation Energy, or life force, and channel it toward your dreams for your life and the world



Join me for an intimate retreat where you will learn to access deeper levels of joy and pleasure than you thought possible.

At the retreat, you’ll learn the full Sacred Secret formula and experience the profound healing power of meditation, ecstatic dance, breath work, pleasure prayer, sound healing, and collective manifestation.

Come together with an intimate, trusted group in Costa Rica, one of the cleanest, healthiest, most stunning places on Earth. You will learn how to assess your Creation Energy, or life force, and channel it toward your dreams for your life and the world


“I’ve been doing healing work for 18 years but I’ve never experienced something this powerful.” – Neta

Expect to walk away with the profound understanding of the universe of possibility and ecstasy that lives inside you. Reconnect with your own divinity and learn the most advanced manifesting practices Emily has ever come across, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Rewrite your relationship with shame and sexuality and learn how powerful manifesting can be in a post-climactic state (including the science and spirituality behind why orgasmic states are so effective for manifesting).

Come together with a group of brave, curious, vulnerable people who are new to this work, but are willing to step into the unknown. No prior experience is needed — in fact it is preferred for guests to come in with an open mind.

In this intimate container, Emily and our wildly talented staff of space-holders will customize this experience for each and every person who joins. If you’re seeking ecstatic joy throughout your life, the time is now.

“I’ve been doing healing work for 18 years but I’ve never experienced something this powerful.” – Neta

Expect to walk away with the profound understanding of the universe of possibility and ecstasy that lives inside you. Reconnect with your own divinity and learn the most advanced manifesting practices Emily has ever come across, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Rewrite your relationship with shame and sexuality and learn how powerful manifesting can be in a post-climactic state (including the science and spirituality behind why orgasmic states are so effective for manifesting).

Come together with a group of brave, curious, vulnerable people who are new to this work, but are willing to step into the unknown. No prior experience is needed — in fact it is preferred for guests to come in with an open mind.

In this intimate container, Emily and our wildly talented staff of space-holders will customize this experience for each and every person who joins. If you’re seeking ecstatic joy throughout your life, the time is now.


Pre-retreat virtual intention setting session with me
5 days, 4 nights in a luxurious hotel with rooftop, infinity pool and steps from the beach
Transportation to and from Liberia Guanacaste airport
3 delicious, locally-sourced, organic meals every day
Daily meditation, breathwork, Emotional Alchemy, visioning, ecstatic movement, Pleasure Prayer, collective manifesting led by Emily and customized to attendees.
Opening and closing ceremonies to establish sanctity of the container
Optional participation in a ketamine medicine ceremony
Three live embodied manifesting events after the retreat including pleasure prayer, breathwork and emotional alchemy with your amazing support team
Two months of integration and support in a private WhatsApp group. Plus accountability from the team and the group.
Scholarship to our amazing manifesting course Dream Magnet ($250 value)

Here are a few things that have happened in my life just 3 months after learning Sacred Secret…

1. I was offered a job for 3x my income.
2. I was gifted $15k.
3. I have met and am dating a man who treats me with more respect, love and adoration than I’ve ever experienced or witnessed in my entire life.
4. I’ve realized that I do not need to push constantly and try to force things to happen. Nature is bringing me everything I need.
5. I have been releasing past stress that’s been stored in my body for a long time and getting clear on my mission in life!

You are worth it! Emily Fletcher and Sacred Secret will change you and your impact on others.



I hadn’t found something that could hold all of me. My rage, my peacock, my divinity, my sorrow, my joy, my dreams, my sensuality. So I made it.

A formula so powerful that it can hold all of you. A formula so powerful it will birth the new Earth our heart’s know is possible. A formula so powerful it will help you dance with your darkness and alchemize it into whatever you choose.

This is Sacred Secret.


Expect to walk away with the profound understanding of the universe of possibility and ecstasy that lives inside you. Reconnect with your own divinity and learn the most advanced manifesting practices Emily has ever come across, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Rewrite your relationship with shame and sexuality and learn how powerful manifesting can be in a post-climactic state (including the science and spirituality behind why orgasmic states are so effective for manifesting).

Come together with a group of brave, curious, vulnerable people who are new to this work, but are willing to step into the unknown. No prior experience is needed — in fact it is preferred for guests to come in with an open mind.

In this intimate container, Emily and our wildly talented staff of space-holders will customize this experience for each and every person who joins. If you’re seeking ecstatic joy throughout your life, the time is now.

Sacred Secret is both a movement and a formula. The movement has already started and it is so much bigger than Ziva. You might be feeling it already. A curiosity to dive deeper into the unseen realms.

You can likely feel parts of it already. The shift from white knuckling your goals to aligning through service and surrender. The shift from external validation to honoring yourself.

People are starting to reclaim their pleasure and their power for themselves. To use the virtually limitless power of our Creation Energy to fuel our dreams.

And that’s what we’re going to do on this retreat. You are going to heal far deeper and faster than you ever thought possible.

You are going to reclaim your power, your sovereignty, your pleasure in a way you’ve likely never done before.

And you are going to see what is possible when you use the most powerful force on the planet to create the life and world of your dreams.

This level of healing isn’t just possible… it’s probable. I know it because I’ve seen it in every single person I’ve taught these tools to.

So if you’re ready to take a bold, brave leap into the life of your dreams and learn how fast and, dare I say, enjoyable healing can be… then I’ll see you in Costa Rica.

This is what is possible for you…

Joining me for the retreat…

Phoebe Rayner

Phoebe is a trauma informed experienced space holder – a registered Occupational Therapist specializing in mental health, somatics and nervous system regulation; and a Sex, Love and Relationship Coach.

She has offered high touch support to hundreds of A players as they claim their pleasure, both through 1:1 coaching and supporting Emily on her live retreats.

Phoebe excels in inspiring people to lead a life of bliss, pleasure and liberation through leaning into the taboo and dissolving shame with love. She brings a transmission of play and permission mixed with deep wisdom and safety into the coaching space.

Rosa Maxwell

Rosa is a trauma-informed Sexual Liberation Coach, committed to helping individuals cultivate a deep connection with their bodies and harness the transformative power of pleasure for a more fulfilling life. With a background of over 10 years in Psychology and specialized training in somatic, tantric, and embodied approaches to sexuality, Rosa merges scientific knowledge with spiritual insights.

Rosa’s approach enables individuals to overcome mental barriers that hinder their experience of pleasure and intimacy. She provides a safe and transformative space for clients to explore their sexuality, unlock their desires, and establish profound connections with their pleasure. Rosa guides clients through journeys of sexual exploration, healing past traumas, enhancing intimacy in relationships, and embracing a liberated and authentic sense of self.

Joining me for the retreat…

Phoebe Rayner

Phoebe is a trauma informed experienced space holder – a registered Occupational Therapist specializing in mental health, somatics and nervous system regulation; and a Sex, Love and Relationship Coach.

She has offered high touch support to hundreds of A players as they claim their pleasure, both through 1:1 coaching and supporting Emily on her live retreats.

Phoebe excels in inspiring people to lead a life of bliss, pleasure and liberation through leaning into the taboo and dissolving shame with love. She brings a transmission of play and permission mixed with deep wisdom and safety into the coaching space.

Rosa Maxwell

Rosa is a trauma-informed Sexual Liberation Coach, committed to helping individuals cultivate a deep connection with their bodies and harness the transformative power of pleasure for a more fulfilling life. With a background of over 10 years in Psychology and specialized training in somatic, tantric, and embodied approaches to sexuality, Rosa merges scientific knowledge with spiritual insights.

Rosa’s approach enables individuals to overcome mental barriers that hinder their experience of pleasure and intimacy. She provides a safe and transformative space for clients to explore their sexuality, unlock their desires, and establish profound connections with their pleasure. Rosa guides clients through journeys of sexual exploration, healing past traumas, enhancing intimacy in relationships, and embracing a liberated and authentic sense of self.

“This work is the biggest investment I have ever made in myself and I can honestly say that it is a bargain for the PhD in life that I am getting.

I now know I can create a day (and life) where I control how I spend my most valuable asset—my time.

I am empowered to do anything I want with this life. I am authentic. I am living in integrity. These are not words I would have used to describe myself before.


This is not a vacation… this is healing on a level
you’ve never experienced before.

Each day will include meditation, breathwork, workshops in the Sacred Secret formula, and lecture. Meals will be taken together.


Attendees flights land no later than 4p local time
Complimentary transport to Las Catalinas
Gather for dinner and opening ceremony
Tap into the infinite possibilities available to you.
Hold the vision of the dream you want for yourself and the species.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Discover your internal and external blocks around your deserving power and pleasure.
Practice a tool called Emotional Alchemy to discover the sacred power of feeling your feelings and marinate in your bliss on the other side.
Identify and modulate your body’s level of Creation Energy.
Partake in a nightly ritual.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Morning meditation and movement practice
Peel back layers of conditioning, trauma, patterns and beliefs and tap into your inner wisdom
Learn how breathwork and pleasure can be used as an altered state of consciousness to rewire your beliefs about what you deserve
Allow yourself to feel deeper pleasure than you’ve ever allowed yourself to feel
Practice the Sacred clearing the channel, building your Creation Energy and placing the order for your big dreams.
Experience powerful breathwork and sound healing sessions
Partake in our first Pleasure Prayer ceremony.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Deepen your understanding of Pleasure Prayer
Become an energetic match for your dream and listen to how Nature wants to use you
Engage in the full Sacred Secret formula: Remember the Future, Clear the Channel, Build Creation Energy & Magnetize your Dreams.
Optional: Experience a deeply healing medicine ceremony.
Partake in a nightly ritual.


Gather for morning practice.
Seal the container with a closing ceremony and integration.
Breakfast before group departure.
Complimentary transport to airport
Attendee flights depart no earlier than 4p local time

Learn More About the Retreat


There is a possibility we will be filming this retreat to turn into a course. We will not film Pleasure Prayer. We want to let you know so that you can make an informed decision as it is likely that at least the back of your head would be featured in the course. If this is a hard boundary for you, let us know and we will do our best to keep you out of the footage.


“It’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of this work in the world. Emily’s authentic embodiment of grace, gentleness, compassion, vulnerability, femininity, and honesty acts as a healing elixir.” – Amy

“Coming from a background of abuse and extreme religious conditioning I had never felt safe enough to orgasm. I had my first orgasm of my life on this retreat. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Kayla

“I am not afraid of death anymore. As a cancer survivor this is the greatest gift you could give me” – Sandy

“I am empowered to do anything I want with this life. I am living in integrity. These are not words I would have used to describe myself before Sacred Secret“ – Danny


“It’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of this work in the world. Emily’s authentic embodiment of grace, gentleness, compassion, vulnerability, femininity, and honesty acts as a healing elixir.” – Amy

“Coming from a background of abuse and extreme religious conditioning I had never felt safe enough to orgasm. I had my first orgasm of my life on this retreat. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Kayla

“I am not afraid of death anymore. As a cancer survivor this is the greatest gift you could give me” – Sandy

“I am empowered to do anything I want with this life. I am living in integrity. These are not words I would have used to describe myself before Sacred Secret“ – Danny

APRIL 24-28 | Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

This cost covers retreat curriculum, gorgeous accommodations, healthy organic meals
and transportation to and from the Liberia airport.

Limited spots are available for this intimate experience

All-Inclusive Package:


All-Inclusive Package:


Payment plan available at checkout


What’s included in my tuition?

Pre-retreat virtual intention setting session with me
5 days, 4 nights in a luxurious hotel with rooftop, infinity pool and steps from the beach
Transportation to and from Liberia Guanacaste airport
3 delicious, locally-sourced, organic meals every day
Daily meditation, breathwork, Emotional Alchemy, visioning, ecstatic movement, Pleasure Prayer, collective manifesting led by Emily and customized to attendees.
Opening and closing ceremonies to establish sanctity of the container
Optional participation in a ketamine medicine ceremony
Three live embodied manifesting events after the retreat including pleasure prayer, breathwork and emotional alchemy with me, Phoebe and Rosa
Two months of integration and support in a private WhatsApp group. Plus accountability from the team and the group.
Scholarship to our amazing manifesting course Dream Magnet ($250 value)

Where will we be staying?

The retreat will be held at the Santarena Hotel in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica. Single rooms are all located within the hotel, and multi-bedroom/bathroom casitas are located at the same resort complex within 5 min walking distance.

How should I book my travel?

Attendees are required to book their own travel. We recommend flying in and out of the Liberia Guanacaste Airport (LIR) as transportation to and from will be provided as part of your retreat tuition. Plan for your arriving flight to land at LIR no later than 4p on Thursday and for your departing flight to take off no earlier than 4p on Sunday. LIR is located in Central Standard Time (CST). After checkout, you will be connected to our retreat concierge should you need any additional support with booking travel.

Is this a mixed-gender retreat?

Yes, all genders are welcome in this space. We will ensure the space is safe and there is proper guidance so guests all feel comfortable doing this work in the presence of one another.

What food will be provided?

The following meals are included as part of your retreat tuition:
– Wednesday: Dinner
– Thursday, Friday + Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
– Sunday: Breakfast
All meals will be healthy, locally sourced and organic. If you have specific dietary concerns, you’ll be able to speak directly with retreat concierge after checkout.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, you may request a 50% refund up to 4 weeks before, after which there will be no refunds.

What exactly is Pleasure Prayer?

Pleasure prayer is about using the most potent cocktail of neurochemistry our bodies are capable of producing for manifesting.

In this modality, we cultivate what we call Creation Energy in our body — through either breathwork, play or self-pleasure — and allow the pleasure to build throughout our body. Then at the moment of peak pleasure, you dedicate that energy to your dreams.

This works to rewire your neural networks so that even thinking about your dream outside of the practice creates pleasure in the body.

So instead of defaulting to:

“I’m not good enough…”
“I’m too old…”
“I’m not smart enough…”
“I don’t have enough money…”

… You can actually start to embody the person you want to be.

How much privacy will I have during Pleasure Prayer?

We provide blankets for privacy while practicing Pleasure Prayer. Lights are low and everyone is lying down. There is no nudity on this retreat.

What if I’m not comfortable self-pleasuring during Pleasure Prayer?

A big component of Sacred Secret is learning how to check in with what your body wants and needs at any given moment and honoring that. While exploring our pleasure is an important element of this retreat experience, if self-pleasuring at any point does not feel like it’s in alignment with what you want, you can do this work on the energetic realm.

Will there be any support staff on site should guests need it?

Yes, our Ziva support staff is world-class and will include Emily, an experienced teaching assistant, a logistical admin, full hotel staff and we will have two trauma-informed therapist to support anyone who needs it.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, you can request a refund up to 10 days after your purchase of the retreat.

Do I need to have a meditation practice in order to join?

You do not need to have a Ziva practice in order to attend this At-Home Retreat. The only thing we ask is for you to approach this retreat with bravery, trust, vulnerability and a willingness to step into the unknown.


What’s included in my tuition?

Pre-retreat virtual intention setting session with me
5 days, 4 nights in a luxurious hotel with rooftop, infinity pool and steps from the beach
Transportation to and from Liberia Guanacaste airport
Delicious, organic meals provided daily
Daily meditation, breathwork, Emotional Alchemy, visioning, ecstatic movement, Pleasure Prayer, collective manifesting led by Emily and customized to attendees.
Opening and closing ceremonies to establish sanctity of the container
Optional participation in a ketamine medicine ceremony
Three live embodied manifesting events after the retreat including pleasure prayer, breathwork and emotional alchemy with me, Phoebe and Rosa
Two months of integration and support in a private WhatsApp group. Plus accountability from the team and the group.
Scholarship to our amazing manifesting course Dream Magnet ($250 value)

Where will we be staying?

The retreat will be held at the Santarena Hotel in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica. Single rooms are all located within the hotel, and multi-bedroom/bathroom casitas are located at the same resort complex within 5 min walking distance.

How should I book my travel?

Attendees are required to book their own travel. We recommend flying in and out of the Liberia Guanacaste Airport (LIR) as transportation to and from will be provided as part of your retreat tuition. Plan for your arriving flight to land at LIR no later than 4p on Thursday and for your departing flight to take off no earlier than 4p on Sunday. LIR is located in Central Standard Time (CST). After checkout, you will be connected to our retreat concierge should you need any additional support with booking travel.

Is this a mixed-gender retreat?

Yes, all genders are welcome in this space. We will ensure the space is safe and there is proper guidance so guests all feel comfortable doing this work in the presence of one another.

What food will be provided?

The following meals are included as part of your retreat tuition:
– Wednesday: Dinner
– Thursday, Friday + Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
– Sunday: Breakfast
All meals will be healthy, locally sourced and organic. If you have specific dietary concerns, you’ll be able to speak directly with retreat concierge after checkout.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, you may request a 50% refund up to 4 weeks before, after which there will be no refunds.

What exactly is Pleasure Prayer?

Pleasure prayer is about using the most potent cocktail of neurochemistry our bodies are capable of producing for manifesting.

In this modality, we cultivate what we call Creation Energy in our body — through either breathwork, play or self-pleasure — and allow the pleasure to build throughout our body. Then at the moment of peak pleasure, you dedicate that energy to your dreams.

This works to rewire your neural networks so that even thinking about your dream outside of the practice creates pleasure in the body.

So instead of defaulting to:

“I’m not good enough…”
“I’m too old…”
“I’m not smart enough…”
“I don’t have enough money…”

… You can actually start to embody the person you want to be.

How much privacy will I have during Pleasure Prayer?

We provide blankets for privacy while practicing Pleasure Prayer. Lights are low and everyone is lying down. There is no nudity on this retreat.

What if I’m not comfortable self-pleasuring during Pleasure Prayer?

A big component of Sacred Secret is learning how to check in with what your body wants and needs at any given moment and honoring that. While exploring our pleasure is an important element of this retreat experience, if self-pleasuring at any point does not feel like it’s in alignment with what you want, you can do this work on the energetic realm.

Will there be any support staff on site should guests need it?

Yes, our Ziva support staff is world-class and will include Emily, an experienced teaching assistant, a logistical admin, full hotel staff and we will have two trauma-informed therapist to support anyone who needs it.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, you can request a refund up to 10 days after your purchase of the retreat.

Do I need to have a meditation practice in order to join?

You do not need to have a Ziva practice in order to attend this At-Home Retreat. The only thing we ask is for you to approach this retreat with bravery, trust, vulnerability and a willingness to step into the unknown.

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