Get excited… you’ll be the first to know when we launch our new course.

Learn Sacred Secret from Home!

We don’t want things like travel, childcare and work to be a barrier to you discovering just how good life can get when you start practicing this formula.

That’s why we are now hosting Sacred Secret At-Home Retreats where you will learn these tools from the safety and privacy of your own home – no flights or hotel required.

Sign up for our next At-Home Retreat
February 10-11

Learn Embodied Manifesting with Sacred Secret

Sacred Secret is a new movement and formula informed by ancient wisdom and modern science to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools and Pleasure Prayer.

Discover how it feels to become truly sovereign, reclaiming your body, your pleasure and your bliss.

Sign up for our next At-Home Retreat
February 10-11

You’re in for the Reveal of the

Get ready to reclaim your sovereignty over your body, your pleasure, your bliss.

You’re in for the Reveal of the

Get ready to reclaim your sovereignty over your body, your pleasure, your bliss.

What to Expect

Learn about the centuries-old campaign to keep us from learning potent embodiment tools that were designed to bring us closer to our divinity. Check your inbox for more details about this sacred experience, and be ready to:

Receive the Codes

By the end of this event, you will be asking yourself, “How will I ever go back to normal life after knowing this?” Spoiler alert: you don’t. The discovery of these tools and their history have completely changed the trajectory of my life, and they’ll change yours too.

Remember Your Truth

You are divine simply because you exist. Get a taste of what is possible when you tune into the frequency of love. I will move you through an activation to cultivate your Creation Energy — the most powerful force you have available to you — to manifest a life and world you love.

Become a Living Manifestation

Learn to savor all 88 keys of human expression. Discover the sacred power of feeling your feelings and marinate in your bliss on the other side. Learn how to viscerally magnetize your dreams to you. What you dream is dreaming you.


See you on October 10 at 1p ET

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