Supercharge your life force to fuel your biggest dreams.

Las Catalinas, Costa Rica
November 10-13, 2022

Only 30 people will be selected for this intimate experience.

Supercharge your life force to fuel your biggest dreams.

Las Catalinas, Costa Rica
November 10-13, 2022

Only 30 people will be selected for this intimate experience.

Learn the most powerful manifesting tool on Earth

Join Emily for an intimate retreat where you will not only access deeper levels of joy and pleasure than you thought possible, but you will also help co-create the next chapter of Ziva… starting with what I call sexual alchemy.

What is Sexual Alchemy? It’s a powerful combination of meditation, ecstatic dance, breath work, self-pleasuring, and collective manifestation. This retreat will be an opportunity for Emily and guests to marinate in each of the elements to get the most out of this transformative practice.

Come together with an intimate, trusted group in Costa Rica, one of the cleanest, healthiest, most stunning places on Earth. You will learn how to assess your level of charge, or life force, and channel it toward your manifestations for you and the planet.

Expect to walk away with the profound understanding of the universe of possibility and ecstasy that lives inside you. Reconnect with your own divinity and learn the most advanced manifesting practices Emily has ever come across, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Rewrite your relationship with shame and sexuality and learn how powerful manifesting can be in a post-climactic state (including the science and spirituality behind why orgasmic states are so effective for manifesting).

Come together with a group of brave, curious, vulnerable people who are new to this work, but are willing to step into the unknown. No prior experience is needed — in fact it is preferred for guests to come in with an open mind.

This is the smallest, most intimate retreat we will ever host, meaning Emily will customize this experience for each and every person who joins. If you’re seeking ecstatic joy throughout your life, the time is now.

There are only 30 spots available. Sign up now.

What’s Included

  • Pre-retreat virtual intention setting session with Emily
  • Private WhatsApp group with Emily and attendees before, during and after the retreat
  • 4 days, 3 nights in a luxurious hotel with rooftop, infinity pool and steps from the beach
  • Transportation to and from Liberia Guanacaste airport
  • Delicious, organic meals
  • Daily meditation, breath work, visioning, ecstatic movement, self-pleasuring, collective manifesting led by Emily and customized to attendees
  • Opening and closing ceremonies
  • Post-retreat virtual integration session with Emily


Each day will include meditation, alchemy practice and lecture. Meals will be taken together.


Attendees flights land no later than 3p local time
Complimentary transport to Las Catalinas
Gather for dinner and opening ceremony


Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Discover your internal and external blocks around your deserving power and pleasure practice.
Identify and modulate your body’s level of charge (or “life force”).
Begin learning the elements of Sexual Alchemy.
Partake in a nightly ritual.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Deepen your understanding of Sexual Alchemy, provide feedback and co-create the technique with Emily.
Engage in the full practice of meditation, ecstatic dance, breath work, self-pleasuring, and collective manifestation.
Enjoy some free time for hiking, journaling, beach-going.
Partake in a nightly ritual.


Gather for morning practice.
Seal the container with a closing ceremony and integration.
Breakfast before group departure.
Complimentary transport to airport
Attendee flights depart no earlier than 5p local time

Did you know you can use your sexual energy for things that aren’t sexual? I didn’t.

Two years ago I found myself under a giant tree on sacred chi gong grounds, meditating post-ceremony and connecting with the spirit of my unborn daughter. And if that doesn’t sound weird enough… what happened next changed the course of my life and set me on a wild ride that keeps getting more bizarre and beautiful. I went from leading a relatively “normal” life to having absurdly wonderful adventures more often than I even have time to process. 

After spending 13 years helping to make meditation more attractive and accessible to a mainstream audience, it seems that Nature is asking me to do the same for sacred sexuality. She keeps fire-hosing me amazing teachers, experiences and gifts. This has lead to a makeshift PhD in transmuting our most creative energy, our sexual life force, to manifest a life and a world you truly love.

Now if alchemizing your sexual energy to create your dreams sounds crazy or a little scary, know you are not alone. We have been conditioned to have so much fear, shame and embarrassment around one of the most sacred gifts we have been given as humans. I think we can change this. Quickly. I would love to usher in a new reality that makes this chapter of sexuality on the planet look like the Dark Ages.

So you are formally invited to attend our first ever retreat where we will be exploring all elements of Sexual Alchemy. Together, we will co-create this next chapter of Ziva.

If you feel called to do this work — to learn the most powerful manifesting tool on Earth, rewrite your own stories about shame and sexuality, stop divorcing yourself of your own divinity, and to live the most embodied, joyful, empowered existence possible, I would love to have you at this inaugural retreat.

Register for the Ziva Alchemy Retreat
November 10-13 | Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

This cost covers retreat curriculum, gorgeous accommodations, healthy organic meals and transportation to and from the Liberia airport.
Only 30 students will be accepted for this intimate experience

Retreat Tuition


Payment plan available.
Registration is closed, write to in case we have a last minute cancellation.

What People Are Saying About Sexual Alchemy

Emily has done the work of healing herself and now holds the healing codes for the whole planet.

I’ve almost never seen someone as embodied as she is.

Her level of mastery in both meditation and sacred sexuality is helping bring powerful medicine the world needs right now.

Aubrey Marcus

NYT Bestselling Author, Host of the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
“Unexpected perk of this work. Sharing about the experience afterwards has supercharged the shame busting power of it! Changing thought patterns around shame with sexuality is something I‘ve been working on relatively unsuccessfully for years. This has been a gift.”


“I’m vibrating on a higher frequency (no device needed) since our magic session. I’m letting go of the need for my words to be perfect and putting myself out there more bravely.”


I’ve been so inspired and have felt more creative and energetically in tune since we opened up to some new concepts that I knew I wanted to stay on this train. Thank you, Emily, for once again helping to bring forth my intuition and spirituality and curiosity about life. 


Frequently Asked Questions

About Retreat Logistics

About Sexual Alchemy Practice

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