Confidence Boosting Tips for a First Date

This one person is not the key to your fulfillment, that lives inside of you.

We all want true love. Partnership, romance, connection — these are all completely natural human desires.

Unfortunately, we aren’t all living in a romantic comedy, stumbling around the corner with our hands full, only to accidentally run into an attractive, charming and helpful stranger who kneels down to help us clean up our mess. (I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you do!) But in the meantime, we’re going to have to put ourselves out there — and that starts in one place and one place only: the first date.

In the video below, I share a first date confidence boosting technique to get you feeling like the best version of you. Use it next time you’re about to go on a date or just want to exude confidence. Enjoy yourselves out there, friends!

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