The Power of Forgiveness: Audio Gift for You

Welcome to Ziva’s 4-week series that starts today on… Forgiveness. Dive on in by downloading this powerful guided exercise: The Power of Forgiveness

Wouldn’t it be great to leave any unresolved issues in the year that’s ending and start next year with all of your energy to go after your big dreams?

First of all, practicing forgiveness is something you do for yourself. It doesn’t mean that you condone or excuse bad behavior.

Secondly, forgiveness is actually a surprising productivity tool. Most of us don’t even realize how much energy old transgressions may be costing us.

But forgiveness can be hard. There is nothing easy about confronting feelings of resentment, anger or pain.

Which is why we’re kicking off this totally free, 4-week series on The Power of Forgiveness. To start, download this incredibly powerful visualization:

Download: The Power of Forgiveness

When you dive into the audio above, you’ll get clear about who you want to forgive, what you want to forgive them for, and how to “cut the cord” so you can take your energy back from the event or person and use it to fuel your goals.

You’ll picture the person you want to forgive as a young child and on their deathbed…it’ll help you viscerally understand that we are all doing the best we can with the tools we have.

The beautiful thing about The Power of Forgiveness is that you can use it as many times as you need. During our four week series on Forgiveness, we’ll help you to use this audio tool to forgive:

  • Yourself
  • Someone who has hurt you
  • A public figure (yup)

Pro tip: Holding on to anger and resentment isn’t affecting anyone negatively but you. It’s been proven to cause long-term heightened blood pressure and heart rate (which can result in chronic emotional distress, poor sleep, depression and stress). Who has time for that? Not you.

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